The world is chaotic, and scary, and downright awful sometimes. Events occur that at the moment appear random and out of nowhere. Sometimes, the reasons for these events do not have equal weight to the outcome. With the benefit of hindsight, someone can piece together a justification for any occurrence, no matter how trivial or catastrophic. These can stem from agenda, hatred, or outright refusal to accept chaos. In the end, they fabricate a motive that equals the gravitas of the situation. Some theories are silly, and some have real ramifications.
A conspiracy comes from the desire for environmental control [2]. It deals in absolutes and demands concrete justifications from those who oppose it. While one can conclude why an event occurred, much will always remain unknown. We can never know the true motives of those around us. Our mind craves reason, and we use the narrative to form these reasons.
Additionally, a conspiracy is usually brought forth by a drastic change in the current circumstances. Often, these are violent actions (mass shootings, terrorism, assassinations), but they can also stem from a distrust of science (space race, vaccinations, climate change). We are creatures of habit. When something disrupts our daily routine, we want answers. Unfortunately, sometimes the answer is not a good one. To further complicate matters, reality is rarely a succinct storyteller. Sometimes the answer paints us as being a corroborator to the outcome in our passivity.
We want to be the protagonist of our narrative. We must form a greater threat rather than confront our own inaction and unimportance. We dress up. We try to make ourselves look tough in front of a world that does not care.